Zoey Wolf

RS: In what ways have you experienced touch, or how has touch changed for you through the pandemic? 
ZW: Touch has become so much more treasured and craved. I have learned how to ask for a hug and how to identify the feeling of just needing touch specifically. (I used to equate it with a need for love or sexuality but learned that I can feel loved and satisfied and just want positive touch.)I have also learned to give myself positive touch and how to give it to others in a more intentional meaningful way ( I used to hate giving friends hugs and now I give the strongest longest hugs only to my most treasured people and love it).

RS: How do you define and or understand resilience as it relates to owning an identity that is marginalized?
ZW: Resilience is knowing when to be strong and firm and when to be weak and soft. It is choosing your battles and empathizing for yourself and also knowing when to be your own protective momma bear. Resilience looks like good boundaries, thick skin, and a squishy sweet ice cream middle. I am the embodiment of mochi, and it is how I get through each day.

RS: How does Austin play a role in your experience of touch and or resiliency?
ZW: Austin has held up a mirror to who I am and the ways in which I, as a white woman, have some work to do in owning my bullshit and not letting myself get away with being a victim just because I am queer and a woman.

RS: What was your experience in creating your skin prints? It felt good to identify where on my body I wanted to print, and why.
ZW: It reminded me that my experience is held not only in my heart and mind but in my body and that tending to my body tends to all the other parts too.

RS: Where on your body did you choose to create your prints from? Why were/are these spots important to you?
ZW: I did the sole of my foot where I have a callus from an epic hike I did by myself. It's symbolic of me being tough and not being afraid. I also did my belly button when I was sitting comfortably on my bed. It's symbolic of being soft and safe. I can be both of these things at the same time, tough feet, soft belly.